Cookie Policy
Se il sito web monitora le informazioni personali degli utenti tramite l’uso di cookie o tecnologie analoghe, ad esempio, tale impiego deve essere comunicato in modo chiaro ai visitatori del sito. È necessario indicare chiaramente quali strumenti di monitoraggio (ad es. cookie, flash cookie, web beacon ecc.) vengono utilizzati dal sito web, quali informazioni personali vengono raccolte e i motivi dell’utilizzo.
It is important to note that third-party services, such as Google Analytics or other applications offered through Wix that use cookies or other tracking technologies through the Wix services, may have different policies for how they collect and store data. Since these are external services, these practices are not subject to Wix's Privacy Policy.
To receive further information on cookies relating to your Wix site you can consult this support article .
The clarifications, information and examples provided here are generic in nature. This article does not constitute legal advice or a recommendation regarding actions you should take. To receive complete information and assistance in creating your own cookie policy, we recommend that you seek legal advice.